steins;gate banana quote

In questi 24 anni avevo perduto la memoria, il viaggio del tempo non è andato a buon fine: la riparazione della macchina non era perfetta, ma non è stata colpa di mio padre. (, Il tempo non è come un unico fiume che si limita a scorrere dal passato verso il futuro. Stein s gate ps4. Unlike the previous version, it can now send messages from any phone using the cellphone that comes with the Phone Microwave. 8 3 1 138. For example, Okabe, when he uses the Time Leap, travels with his mind and sends the information to the Okabe on the other world line altering the latter's memories. In the anime, JOHN_TITOR and Hououin Kyouma "age" the threads while KuriGohan "sages" them. Steins Gate Elite Eu Ps4 Cd Key. A message by an "unknown" member of SERN which was sent to Okabe after the development of the time leap machine. Steins Gate I Am The Mad Scientist Hououin. During Daru's investigation, a search on missing persons in SERN's database shows articles involving particular test subjects being transported back in time and torn apart at the molecular level; each subject this happens to has his/her file branded with this phrase. The title is a play on words with real-life equivalent term and convention Comiket. Urd comes from the Norse Goddess of the same name who governs the past; she also has two sisters named Verthandi and Skuld. (, Le folle ad Akiba si diradano rapidamente con la notte. The pocket watch Mayuri kept everytime. — Infinito.Ha la sua potenza, si consuma e svanisce, ma anche nella stella c'è un inizio. [...] Quando ci si riunisce tutti insieme, penso che sia molto più divertente se si va d'accordo! Per approfondire vedi la. The target of this operation is Okabe has to go to date with Luka in this worldline before undoing Luka's D-mail. A manual about going out for date. The greeting won the grand prize in the buzzwords contest for 2000, a decade ago, and is significant for its horrible out-of-dateness. Cosplay is a type of performance art where participants wear costumes to represent a specific character. -Kurisu Makise-Hey, mister. Se soltanto tu non esistessi... (, Okarin, tu non sei una persona che lascia le cose a metà, Mayushii questo lo sa bene. 4 7 2 274. L'obiettivo di questo piano è alterare la divergenza e raggiungere l'ignota linea d'universo chiamata Steins;Gate. Okabe uses these terms as "Generals", as stated by Mayuri when she recalled the times she and Okabe had when it was just them in the Future Gadget Lab. (, Dieci anni fa, per il giorno del mio ottavo compleanno, mio padre mi promise che saremo andati a divertirci insieme da qualche parte. (, Steins;Gate. In layman's terms, the banana has turned into something that is not a banana. The story of 13 episodes is introduced in the original game Steins;Gate. Edición en castellano. Roughly translates to "hot and cold". Però, a causa del suo lavoro, dovette rimangiarsi la parola: non poteva farci niente, ma io mi sentii così triste... pensai che in realtà lui non mi volesse abbastanza bene, mi dissi che non me ne importava niente di lui e che avrebbe anche potuto morire. Jul 24, 2016 - Explore кεη∂яα sεηραι's board "Makise Kurisu", followed by 2721 people on Pinterest. Recover it immediately." Puoi contare su una mano le persone che a questo mondo sono consapevoli della sua vera natura. Sono io che ho fallito, sarei dovuta andare direttamente nel 1975, avrei dovuto evitare la prima tappa nel 2010, non era il momento per abbandonarsi all'egoismo. Tutti i principali negozi di elettronica chiudono verso le otto o le nove. (Okarin), Non vi è fine benché vi sia un inizio nello spazio. The main protagonist of Steins;Gate, Okabe is a self-proclaimed mad scientist and often refers to himself under the alias of Hououin Kyouma, which is also the name he uses to introduce himself to other people. Okabe is currently trapped in a world line governed by the alpha attractor field (0%<α<1%), in which Mayuri is governed by the attractor field to die within a certain time frame. Submit Quote Settings Kurisu Makise said: (Steins;Gate) Maybe there are copies of me on countless world lines. Being known as Akihabara geeks' favorite, it even has its own Japanese Wikipedia entry. (obviously parody of Dr. Pepper as it is pronounced the same). Since the Green Upa is not made of metal, the metal detector wasn't set off and the thesis was burned in the plane, preventing World War III. Makise Kurisu occasionally hints at her interest, as she is what many would call a 'Closet Otaku', but she is always quick to brush it off. share. Mode: easy Everybody should get this-Naruto Upa is a character from the fictional anime Rai-net Kakeu. But he's a guy. This is a device used by both real-world CERN and fictional SERN to collide atoms in an attempt to create extreme forces of energy for scientific research. That's why its potential is infinite.-Okabe Rintarou-Even if the world line changes, as long as you don't forget me, I'm there. Seiryu- The Azure Dragon; governs the East, Wood, and Spring. Steins;Gate. Mi prenderei a sberle, ma ero troppo curiosa... (, Sei incredibile, Okarin, riesci a fare con semplicità cose che per noi sono impossibili, perciò ti ammiriamo! Per approfondire vedi la, Foglio di acetato trasparente sul quale venivano stampati e dipinti i disegni dei cartoni animati. The phrase means something like "The Mind Agrees" or "The Mind is Congruous" and is supposed to be Latin, but the grammar is not correct and "El" is a definite article in several Roman languages, for example Catalan and Spanish, but not in Latin, also "congroo" in Latin is actually spelled "congruo". That's why we love him! See I extend my hand towards the banana bunch while thinking that.....and I start doubting my eyes. In altre parole, il vostro futuro. Questi dieci anni sono stati un sogno, trascorrendoli con lui ho potuto capire quanto mi amasse davvero mio padre. They are used in Okabe's Divergence Meter. Link to post Share on other sites. (, Io non sono un pervertito, sono un perverso, In effetti Titor lo aveva detto: tornando indietro nel tempo e cambiando il passato si ha la variazione di un parametro numerico chiamato "divergenza" e il mondo si sposta su un'altra linea di universo. On the paper, they are a completely different and independent organization. By cu_rry, June 21, 2016 in Free Android Modded APKs. Chiudo gentilmente la sua mano nella mia. Okabe needs to cause a massively significant change in history to break the 1% divergence barrier to reach the Beta world line (1%<β<2%), in which Mayuri will not die. Probably a reference to Dragon Ball's characters, Kuririn (Krillin) and Gohan, and the famous attack Kamehameha. The first worldine that Okabe was the world where the series first started. Synopsis The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have managed to customize their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. The writers of this show have a tendency to develop highly complex story-lines, and then only hint to them in the actual main story. I have not played through the visual novel, read the manga, or seen the movie. Okabe bought the Metal Upa for Mayuri in the first episode of the series. This article lists down the different terms and phrases used in each episode and its definition. Sembro in piena crisi adolescenziale. As their agreement was for Faris to tell Okabe what she knew about the IBN-5100 if Okabe joined her in a match, G-Back, or 自爆 (pronounced jibaku, trans: suicide-bombing), ensures that their game ends quickly. Perdonami, ma quel tuo dolore è così caro ai miei occhi. Perciò, come dimostra il fatto che ci siamo rincontrati, le possibilità sono infinite. One of the many names given to Kurisu by Okabe, due to seeing her dip her finger into a gel-bana and taste its contents for analysis. She often ends her sentences with the phrase(s) "Nyan-nyan" And wears cat ears (as they appear to be). Explained later on in the series, Mayuri is said to be Okabe's hostage. Be', adesso va tutto bene, no? It is a computer made in 1975 that runs very simple coding that is disregarded in future computer models, causing a very short stock to have ever been produced. [...] Adesso che ci penso, quest'oggi non l'ho proprio visto. As the name suggest its a huge place with lots of manga booths. Immergiti nella pluripremiata storia di viaggi nel tempo! Reply to this topic; ... goddygod 0 goddygod 0 n00b; Newbie; 0 1 post; Posted September 12, 2017. thanks! Unlike traditional time machines, the Phone Microwave is only capable of sending a small amount of data as text back into the past; any larger object sent back would become torn apart at the molecular level (hence the gel bananas). It runs underground in a ring. This is the full name of the machine used for the initial time travel-related plot in the beginning of the series. Il tempo trascorso in laboratorio, le pause spese a bere bibite, le passeggiate in città, e anche il giorno in cui ci siamo baciati. I am mad scientist. The codename that FB gave to Kiryu Moeka. (, Tutturù! Example: "It's not like I wanted to see you or anything.". In Japan, there are vending machines nearly everywhere for convenience. He goes back at least three hours before the time of Mayuri's previous death but his efforts turned out to be futile. Se volete lasciare un messaggio... (, Nyannyan?! Le sue teorie mi hanno sempre incantato, ho scolpito nel cuore le sue parole, e ho seguito con gli occhi ogni suo gesto. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 9 dic 2020 alle 10:31. "Anata no banana pyun pyun da ne!" That's why its potential is infinite.-Okabe Rintarou-Even if the world line changes, as long as you don't forget me, I'm there. Steins;Gate 1. E poi, come se la vivacità del giorno fosse stata semplicemente una menzogna, la città diventa silenziosa. Future gadget N°1, Mayuri use it as a light source. Buy Steinsgate Elite Ps4 Compare Prices. at her retort, as well as calling her Nurse Chapel (who was portrayed by Majel Roddenberry, wife of Gene Wesley Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek), all pay homage to Star Trek and TNG as well. "In short, this is a device which converts memories into data and sends them through a ring singularity into the past. Non lasciarmi andare. r/steinsgate: In this subreddit, you may submit posts about the Science Adventure series. Synopsis The story of Steins;Gate takes place in Akihabara and is about a group of friends who have managed to customize their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. Perciò, nemmeno adesso devi arrenderti. (, Ognuno sta andando per gli affari suoi come al solito, nella ricerca senza fine di elettronica, moe e, Andare nel passato è possibile già ora. (, In realtà io non voglio tornare com'ero. 1276 cr points . The circuit consists of 29 stations around the city, among them the Ginza, Shibuya, Shinjuku and Ikebukuro stations. In this episode, the meeting is about a Time Machine which held by a Sci-Fi BBS group which Daru was in. One of Tokyo's most important rapid transit circuits. È stato proprio allora che mi è apparso un filo sottile, come quello di una ragnatela: non ho potuto fare a meno di aggrapparmi, anche se questo alla fine è coinciso con la necessità di sporcarsi le mani. [...] Rintarō Okabe, dopo quell'incontro offline sulle macchine del tempo, quando ho cercato di partire per il 1975, tu mi hai fermata; dopodiché è scoppiato il temporale che ha danneggiato la macchina del tempo. Steins;Gate Discussions. The docile only daughter of Tennouji Yuugo. Player loses when he/she captures four enemy Virus cards. Daru, self proclaimed "Super Hacker", is called "Super Hacka" by Okabe. [...] Io sono lo scienziato pazzo Kyōma Hōōin, e questo mondo, questo mondo ora è nelle mie mani! Mayuri and Daru refer to him by the nickname Okarin. (Lettera di, Prima o poi tutti quanti hanno bisogno dell'aiuto di qualcun altro perciò anche tu, quando ti si presenterà l'occasione, fai la tua parte. A term to refer to an irreplaceable and useful ally. Ero ancora un bambino, e il cemento era gelido, il freddo penetrava nelle ossa. Edition Version 2.67 invented by Okabe and Daru. Adesso invece siamo in tanti, per cominciare c'è Daru, poi è arrivata Kurisu e c'è anche Ruka... e poi c'è Suzu, e Moeka, ci sono Faris, il padrone di casa Mr. Braun, Nae. Steins;Gate (シュタインズ・ゲート, Shutainzu Gēto) is an anime adaptation of a visual novel game of the same name by 5pb. Rintarou decides to use the Phone Microwave (temporary name) one more time, this time using a bunch of bananas with one banana having Mayuri's name written on it. (, Come si suol dire, "Morte ai traditori!". Episode 5: While serving a microwaved banana; "Enjoy, I demand it!". L'ho fatto. A device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals that causes a spectacular explosion when ignited, used typically for display or in celebrations. E poi le stelle... anch'esse hanno un inizio, ma periranno per via della loro stessa energia: si estingueranno. Per approfondire vedi la. Kurisu's tsundere moments. The user posts on @channel about a futuristic dystopia in 2036. Se tu fossi in grado di tornare a quel giorno, vorrei che questa volta non mi trattenessi. Token item of clothing for any scientist. Steins;gate is a sci-fi, maybe even on the noir side, epic, that will have you crying, laughing, cringing (in a good way), and laughing again. Steins;Gate, tomo 2 book. Steins Gate Reddit Laptop Sleeves Redbubble. La tecnica speciale, mescolare fissando negli occhi! Apr 15, 2016 - Explore Nerf Sakuya's board "Steins Gate" on Pinterest. Offline . Despite relatively minor changes in history, every world line will obey the same destiny, such as the deaths of certain individuals at certain times, by any means. Steins Gate Elite Eu Ps4 Cd Key. 3 3. comments. Final Impressions: When people (me included) write the book on anime in 2011, there’s no question that Steins;Gate is going to be acknowledged as one of the most important and most popular anime of the year. Often used to refer things/acts that will trigger a certain event. Buy Steinsgate Elite Ps4 Compare Prices. The phrase is in fact a reference to the movie "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time", a story of a girl who is able to travel back in time. El Psy Congroo... possibile che a trentatre anni io sia ancora combinato così? Tu non c'eri, ma Papi non sarebbe morto se tu non fossi stato coinvolto. — iddy pop, My Life In Blue "Don't suck lemon, suc-cess!" In una vita precedente Kyōma e Faris erano amanti che hanno combattuto insieme contro una grande oscurità, per questo sono così intimi, nyan! Allo stesso modo si può dire che la Mayushii che vedi adesso sia una delle tante esistenti, oppure l'unica originale: e io credo che sia Mayushii che Okarin moriranno qui. However, this only made him feel more uncomfortable. Non è logico che una figlia sia più in gamba del proprio padre! The genre I am looking for are :- Action, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural, Super powers, Mystery, Shonen, Sports etc. I have the very same errors- Steins;Gate shuts itself down INSTANTLY upon launch and Muv-Luv patch cannot be run. Read 14 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Okabe Rintaro, Self-proclaimed Mad Scientist. Uno studentello che prende una stanza in affitto, ha degli amici come voi, fa quello che gli pare... Davvero, beato lui! Possibly a typographical error for "Eat vegetables for a healthy child". (, Si può sapere perché devi essere così superiore a me?! Future Gadget #6, 'Cyalume Saber'. 311. save. "Oh, I think the lady with the fruit fixation doth protest too much." However, due to it's limitations, as tested by Makise Kurisu, spaces between words have been omitted to send the full message to Luka's mother's pager (cellphones weren't so popular in the time of Luka's mother's pregnancy). They contain anodes and cathodes that change to match the time, or in this case, world lines. As a way for Makise Kurisu to understand that Okabe time-leaped back a few hours prior to Mayuri's death, she tells Okabe that she needs a "fork" to go with her "spoon" in the present, so that when he time-leaps back, she'll believe that Okabe came back from the future to save Mayuri. Pervert gentleman is a @channel meme for harmless, mannerly pervert. This was the mail sent by Urushibara Luka to her mother using Okabe's D-mail invention to change her gender (from being male to a female). Tre o quattro giorni senza toccare cibo, io restavo lì disteso, immobile, e loro arrivavano... i topi mi rosicchiavano perché credevano che fossi un cadavere. Se avessi immaginato una sofferenza simile, non avrei mai desiderato di diventare una ragazza, no, no di certo! Permalink Reply Quote. This is Okabe's delusional agency involved with Committee of 300. One could suggest that he enjoys teasing her. Steins Gate 0 01 Random Curiosity. Banana; Apple; Emerald; Teal; Chocolate; Slate; Midnight; Maastricht; Charcoal; Matte Black ; 40% OFF ViP Subscription! Yoxall On Twitter Now I Know Why This Particular Part In. Lemurengineer . Eldhrimnir is the cauldron that Andhrimnir, cook of the gods, uses to prepare meals for the Norse Gods. He has his short black hair swept back and has brown irises, with a small amount of stubble on his chin and cheeks. However, there were pagers. They are a major ruling force inJohn Titor's time. Tu e io siamo arrivati insieme fino a questo punto perché desideriamo salvarla! ", This is a phrase used by Okabe to signify the meaning of events, the phrase itself, in his own occasional confession, "doesn't really mean anything.". especially doujinshis (fan made manga). Unfortunately it hasn't been used in a long time that the air had caused the red liquid to solidify. (, Dunque non faresti nulla, solo perché potresti sbagliare? Easter egg: The voice actor of Daru had shouted "Shining Finger!" Short for comic market. [...] Se questa è la scelta di Steins;Gate, allora gliela farò vedere: dopotutto io sono lo scienziato pazzo Kyōma Hōōin, ingannare il mondo per me sarà una passeggiata! Quello è stato l'unico momento in cui ho visto Okabe con un'espressione veramente seria; una cosa da brividi, per la verità. Per approfondire vedi la, Il quartiere di Tokyo dove è ambientata la serie, con la più alta concentrazione di negozi specializzati in elettronica, videogiochi, anime e manga. She hangs herself in her apartment after not receiving any messages from FB despite her attempts to contact him for four days. Short for Société Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire. Review Steins Gate 0 . KuriGohan and Kamehameha (栗悟飯とカメハメ波) is the online alias of Makise Kurisu used on @Channel. He teases her with this name because it is slightly awkward - it is a continent-neutral name of American and Japanese origin. Anche se gli stupidi non prendono nemmeno il raffreddore! APK Mod STEINS;GATE v1.11. It's because in the Beta worldline, SERN does not win and cannot 'prove' the attractor field theory... neither Okabe nor Daru seemingly know that paradoxes are impossible either and they would be the ones most apt to brief her about the operation). Guess that anime! Dopotutto, io sono un insano scienziato pazzo ricercato da un capo all'altro del mondo. I've recently installed Steins Gate in my laptop and it seems to work fine until when I want to save. (, Nel 2036 il mondo è governato dal SERN. The game is pretty clear when a character route is happening and the choice is pretty blatant, at least for me it was. Verthandi is a figure of Norse Mythology, and is also known as the "Goddess of Fate." Se, per esempio, io tornassi nel passato e uccidessi un individuo denominato "A", in quell'istante verrebbe alterato un valore numerico chiamato "divergenza" e la, Com'è che mi sono fatta incastrare da questo tizio? blue_banana. Skip to main content Awesome Steins Gate Wallpaper Search. The message was "Someone stabbed Makise Kurisu..." It's existence caused Okabe to shift from the Beta world line into the Alpha world line. Suzuha's father, at least his name in Valkyrie resistance. Okabe bought it for 980 yen, but treats it as if it's a legendary blade. It so cool! Urushibara Luka (the guy more feminine than any woman) wants to send a D-Mail to his mother in order to change his gender, but at the time of his mother mobile phones didn't exist yet. The only mentioned tripcode user is JOHN_TITOR. Animes by bad description, im a newbie at this so please give me feedback :) Kurisu's consists of black, red, & pink string; a needle (perhaps several); and possibly other items that are currently unknown. (, Dopotutto, tu sei quello che sei: un uomo che non riesce a essere felice per il successo di sua figlia. The invisible power that governs the events of world lines with a divergence number within 1% of universal historical changes. Kurisu uses this kit to stitch together a small rip in Okabe's White Lab Coat. E, trattenendo le mie lacrime, le dico... "Questa è la scelta di Steins;Gate". Kurisu uses this quite often for Daru. Seen friends that account chi ascoltava in silenzio, e questo mondo consapevoli! 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